Community Kitchen: Dumplings from Around the World

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The Community Kitchen series bring individuals together to learn new skills, and to connect with the community through the common language of food. Last month, the JFS Kitchen hosted the inaugural Dumplings from Around the World, where participants learned how to make parve pierogies from Poland. It was so wonderful to have such a diverse group laugh, share and cook!

And our community kitchen cuisine also “traveled” to the Latin world as participants learned to make delicious empanadas. Steamed, baked, fried, and filled with tasty savoury or sweet fillings, dumplings are the perfect cozy comfort food. We hope you’ll join us for the next series of Dumplings Around the World on March 2, where we’ll be making Hamantashen!

No culinary experience is necessary, and you get to bring home what we make.

Click Here To Sign Up For The Hamantashen Class!