woman donating clothes

Take Action on Homelessness

What Can I Do?

  • Learn about the causes of homelessness and what it includes eg. living on the street, in shelters, cars, couch surfing, etc.
  • Challenge your beliefs associated with homelessness. Many people who are homeless are not struggling with addictions or severe mental health issues.
  • Read the report published by the JFS Client Advisory Committee for a firsthand account of the experience and needs of JFS clients during COVID
  • Support local projects that provide homes for people who need them.
  • Write a letter to the elected officials that represent your area. Personal letters that describe how homelessness affects you and your community are generally more effective than form letters. Letters to federal MPs can be sent free of charge.
  • Show a random act of kindness towards a homeless person.
  • Volunteer your time and skills – contact local organizations and ask how you can help.
  • Donate funds to local organizations that are making a difference.
  • Talk to your family, friends and colleagues about the solutions for homelessness.
  • Give to the local food bank.

If you or someone you know is struggling with homelessness and need support, please be in touch with us. We are here to help.

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