5 Questions with Lane Merrifield

The newest “dragon” to join CBC’s hit show Dragons’ Den, Lane Merrifield is one of Canada’s leading tech entrepreneurs. He is the founder of Club Penguin, the largest children’s online social network. At age 28, he sold it to Disney for $350 million, and, as their youngest executive vice president, turned it into a billion-dollar brand.

To get to know him, we asked Lane about what motivates him, including his passion for charity and how he unwinds with family.

1.What are three words you would use to describe yourself?
Adventurer, artist and focused

2. What excites you about your work on CBC’s Dragon’s Den?
I love the chance to meet so many incredible entrepreneurs from across Canada. As much as I hope they learned some things from me, I know I also learned a lot from them.

3. You have a strong commitment to giving back. Why is that important to you?
I think we sometimes choose to measure success in different ways. For me, success means you gave more than you received, that you left this world somehow better than you found it. Whether it’s in big ways or small, giving should be at the cornerstone of a life well lived.

4. What are some charitable projects you’re involved with right now?
I’m most passionate about supporting underprivileged youth through health, education and opportunities and I believe that contributing time and money is important. I currently sit on the board of the TELUS Friendly Future Foundation and am involved with WE.org which promotes positive conversation, influence and community. We also have a Family Foundation that has contributed to hundreds of local and global causes over the years.

5. What do you like to do together as a family?
Whether it’s skiing in the winter, boating and camping in the summer, or exploring a new part of the world together, we love connecting with nature and the way it brings us all closer together.

Learn more about Lane Merrifield, our 2019 speaker | Buy tickets for Innovators Lunch 2019