The JFS Delivery truck filled with donated bags of food.

Thank you for nourishing our community!

A huge thank you to everyone who participated in Project Isaiah to help bring healthy and nutritious food to our friends’ and neighbors’ tables! Your generosity and commitment is especially valued in these challenging times.

Thanks to our incredible partnerships with local synagogues, schools, and YOU, JFS grocery and meal programs will be able to provide an astonishing 485,000 lbs of nutritious food to over 1,600 food-insecure community members over the next five months.

“I thank everyone for going out of their way to provide food and so much more! You are ALL SO kind and generous. My thanks goes out to JFS and community!!!” – JFS Grocery Program Recipient

Extra special THANK YOU to all of our community partner organizations, synagogues, and schools, to the volunteers who came to sort and pack the donated food, and to our Project Isaiah sponsors Still Creek Press and Bulldog Bag Ltd.!

If you missed out on supporting Project Isaiah, it isn’t too late! You can drop off in-kind donations at The Kitchen throughout October.

P.S. You can learn more about Project Isaiah at